Phone Services
Constituent Phone Surveys
The ability to collect data from constituents in the form of a phone survey will only enhance your office’s effectiveness.
Capitol Franking Group’s constituent phone surveys have the ability to collect millions of data points. This data can then be used to build 499 files and target constituent outreach.
Offices can track constituent opinion on legislation, member job performance, and priorities of specific constituents. The responses on the constituents phone surveys are so large that they become statistically relevant when tracking opinion trends amongst your constituents. Capitol Franking Group provides the raw data as well as cross tabs after each phone survey.
Tele-Town Halls
The most personal form of voter contact that exists is a personal conversation with your constituents. When important issues come into play it is vital that elected officials communicate directly with their constituents to hear and acknowledge their concerns.
In simple terms, a Tele-Town Hall is a very large conference call that personally and effectively connects you to thousands of constituents at once.
Virtual town hall meetings give people who may not have the time, money, or inclination to travel in person to a meeting, the opportunity to engage a candidate or elected official in a one-on-one, meaningful discussion. This kind of personal interaction greatly enhances the interaction between an elected official and his or her constituency.
How it Works:
An automated broadcast call is sent to your targeted list with a message from the host inviting recipients to join a Tele-Town Hall meeting by simply holding on the line.
The person on the other end of the line is immediately connected to the meeting where the host speaks directly about specific issues and concerns. The host is also able to field questions from and survey those in the Tele-Town Hall.
Participants who want to ask questions speak personally to a call screener, who, after screening the question, will connect the participant to the host who, in advance, has already reviewed the call screener’s notes. At the completion of the Tele-Town Hall, those participants still on the line can also be offered the opportunity to leave a voicemail.
At the conclusion of the Tele-Town Hall, Capitol Franking Group will provide a report of the event, all participant data (i.e., the original file appended with any information captured during the event, such as polling responses), and copies of the voicemails. Transcription services for the event and for the voicemails is also available.